Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So Amy and I were doing a little weeding when the ground started moving... it caught our attention so I poked at the ground with my shovel... "HISSSSSS! HISSSSS!" said the little scary hary bug. It freaked us out, because it was completely burrowed into the ground and the battle was on. It crawled out so we knocked it on its back and took a picture. We were too scared and grossed out to kill it so we planned to take it prisoner in a tupperware, but the hary scary bug won the war; it got back on its legs and then flew into a tree. This gave us quite the SCREAM! It is still out there!

Here is a much cuter bug!


Tiffany said...

I love it! I would have completely FREAKED out!!! Then Coby would have to be in charge of the weeding forever!! Calista sure is a cutie!!! LOVE the hat! (am I explantion mark crazy or what???)

Amanda said...

I agree, Tiff. I don't even like to go out when it is raining because of the worms. So a bug like that, Well I don't even want to think about it. Calista looks SASSY! I love it.

Rick and Kara said...

That bug IS disgusting! We live right behind a forest here in Canton. And we get these black bugs that bite the nape of our necks and in our hair (no, not lice!) They bite so big it makes you bleed and my kids have tons of them. Then they itch and scab and sometimes get puss in them. It's nasty! Just thought I'd flavor up these comments a bit.

Oh, and Calista is beautiful!